Sifu Rick Fowler
Sifu Fowler is a tenth degree black belt who has been teaching and evolving the Kenpo System for over 40 years. He is a second-generation Kenpoist under Sifu Huk Planus. While developing his skills in the Kenpo system he trained with Dan Insanto and Mike Knuaff to hone in on the fluidity of the Filipino martial arts. Sifu Fowler has dedicated himself to developing a system to fit every individual. Whether you are a child or an adult, you will become more confidant and you will able to defend yourself. Sifu Fowler’s system teaches you how to defend yourself while standing, on the ground and also against a weapon
Sifu Ted Mashburn
Sifu Ted Mashburne is a seventh degree black belt under Rick Fowler. He started training in martial arts in 1964 in an Okinawan style. Then in 1967 he switched to Judo. In 1970 he started Kenpo. After a few years he went into Tae Kwon Do. Twenty years ago he returned to Kenpo. Training with Sifu Fowler he studied Escrima, Silat, Jujitsu and Systema. His main focus however is Kenpo. He continually strives to unlock its secrets for all to enjoy.
Instructor Stephanie Elmore, M.D.
Stephanie is a local family physician who has been taking Kenpo Karate since 2004. She received her first degree black belt in 2008. She continues to work on her growth in the art, as well as being an active teaching assistant. She enjoys working with the junior dragons (including her own twins) and finds Kenpo to be an excellent stress outlet. Karate is a challenging and rewarding physicial skill set; in addition, it has benefits to one’s posture, confidence, and breathing. Kenpo Karate is a martial art with appeal across a broad range of ages, and fits well with Dr. Elmore’s goals of “lifelong learning.”
Bruce Sinton
Bruce is a 4th degree black belt in Kenpo under Master Fowler. Bruce began grappling in middle school and wrestled through high school. Then came two summers of Judo and one year of Aikido. Bruce has trained with Master Fowler for the last 17 years, in Kenpo and Kali. Plus, 12 years of Systema and the internal martial arts.